Travel Day

17 January 2013


All the meetings in Hua Hin ended yesterday, and the priests, brothers, and sisters from there headed north to Bangkok and then onto planes carrying them home.


Chao Praya River at dawn
Charlie Dittmeier left the Maryknoll house before dawn and walked to a watertaxi pier just a few hundred feet away. The Chao Praya River was calm at this time of day.
Old Catholic church on the river
The trip from the pier near the Maryknoll house to the end of the line took just a little over one hour. This is an old Catholic church situated along the river.
Water taxi on the river
This is a watertaxi, one of many which ply the waters of the river up and down the Bangkok scene. The boat took Charlie to Nonthaburi Province for a meeting before heading to the airport.
Ed Riehl and Nancy Davies
Finally everyone arrived at the airport in Bangkok and then we were on an A319 bound for Cambodia. For Ed Riehl and Nancy Davies there was no turning back now.
Dinner the first night in Cambodia
None of the houses where the new people are staying had food after the Maryknollers had been gone for seven or eight days so the group of lay missioners in the country went to dinner together their first night in the Kingdom of Wonder. James Havey, Maria Montello, Sami Scott, Dee Dungy, Margo Cambier, Nancy Davies, and Ed Riehl.

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